30 Easy and Delicious Patriotic Desserts
Looking for something sweet to take your red, white, and blue celebration to the next level? Well, look no further than these sweet treats which are sure to make your party the talk of the town! I remember the first time I saw a flag cake. (And it was not like #26 on this list!)
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Valentine’s Day Candy Box Games
From flowers to chocolate and jewelry to special dinners, Valentine’s Day really is a celebration! As the the dinner is long gone, the flowers begin to wilt, and the chocolate has been eaten, I encourage you to repurpose those candy boxes into Valentine’s Day candy box games for little learners. Valentine’s Day is one of
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Why You Shouldn’t Make New Year’s Resolutions
New Year’s resolutions are great, unless you don’t really resolve to do anything. Then they become a list of wishes. Unless you are going to determine steps to make your wishes turn into goals AND you’re going to follow through with those steps, you probably should not make New Year’s resolutions. This post contains affiliate
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The Switch Witch
What is The Switch Witch? Are you seeing it and baffled why parents are sharing a witch with their kids? Wondering what it has to do with Halloween candy? Well, let’s take a look! This post contains affiliate links. What is The Switch Witch? Well, it’s not the same as Elf on the Shelf. Your
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The Genius Blogger’s Toolkit
I started Learn Like A Mom in 2013 without really knowing what I was getting into. Sure, I had kept a family blog for years, but starting one to be more of a platform, source of income, and resource for the public was a whole new ball game. I picked the minds of a few
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The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle
By a show of hands, who feels overwhelmed when they think of healthy living? Consider my hand raised! We get it! We know why being healthy matters. We hear eating whole foods is better, raising healthier kids is a must, avoiding toxins and chemicals sounds great, getting fit always seems to be at the top of the
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Stay Organized While Moving
Moving can either be out of necessity or an act of desire. Whatever the case, moving rarely comes at a convenient time and involves so many variables that it is difficult to exhale until all of the documents are signed. Even then, that point in the process instantaneously starts a whole new chapter in the
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Work at Home Tips for Success!
As a new year is just around the corner, I, like many of you, am taking stock in my life. What I’ve done and what I’d like to do. How I’ve spent my time and how I want to use it going forward. I have goals for blogging, my Jamberry business, my health, homeschooling, and
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