2014 Olympics Pictogram Memory Game

January 17, 2014 in Family, Teaching by Anna

The 2014 Olympics take place in Sochi, Russia this February and if your family is anything like mine, we’ll be glued to the Games! We love The Olympics and don’t care how much of it our children watch! Gymnastics was Big Brother’s favorite during the 2012 Summer Olympics, so I’m interested to see what he tries to imitate during this one!

One thing I know he’ll be able to do during the 2014 Olympics is play this memory game that I created using PicMonkey!

2014 Olympics Memory Game! Learn how to create a game of your own or print this one for free! - Learn Like A Mom! http://learnlikeamom.com/around-the-house/family-time/2014-olympics-memory-game/  #olympics #printable #game #kids #ece

Use PicMonkey to Create an Olympics Memory Game

I did a simple Google Search for “2014 Olympics Pictograms.”

Then, right clicking and “saving image as”-ing, I saved nine of the pictograms. I chose to save the more colorful options, most of which seemed to credit Pinterest. Lab Brand has a great explanation of the two styles of pictograms that were created for this Olympics. You can view all of the 2014 Olympics pictograms here.

Then I went to PicMonkey and clicked on “Create a Collage.”

I clicked on the icon for Layouts, then Square Deal, and chose the one for nine images.

Then I changed the size to 1200X1200. If you didn’t want your end result to be square, you could click on the lock to unlock that option.

2014 Olympics Memory Game - Learn Like A Mom! http://learnlikeamom.com/around-the-house/family-time/2014-olympics-memory-game/ #olympics #kids #ece


I clicked the Photos icon, then on Open Photos. I selected the nine images I wanted for my grid and uploaded them to PicMonkey. Then I clicked and drug each image to a square on the layout. (As you drag images, a check will appear in the images you have used.)

2014 Olympics Pictogram Memory Game - Learn Like A Mom! http://learnlikeamom.com/around-the-house/family-time/2014-olympics-memory-game/ #olympics #kids #ece

This is what it looked like once I had moved all of my images over.

2014 Olympics Pictogram Memory Game - Learn Like A Mom! http://learnlikeamom.com/around-the-house/family-time/2014-olympics-memory-game/ #olympics #kids #ece

To create a colored line on which to cut later, I clicked on the Background icon and moved the cursor over the color I wanted.

2014 Olympics Pictogram Memory Game - Learn Like A Mom! http://learnlikeamom.com/around-the-house/family-time/2014-olympics-memory-game/ #olympics #kids #ece

Once I was done creating the collage, I clicked on “Save” at the top of the page and saved my image (the collage) as a new image on my Desktop.

I opened Word and created a new document.

I inserted an image from a file and selected this collage.

Below the image, I wrote out the directions for my memory game, gave photo credit, and clearly stated that if you use the memory game I’ve created…it’s for personal use only!

If you would like to print the version that I have created, click on the link below! Be sure to print out two copies so you have a complete set for matching pairs. If you want a master copy, print a third sheet! If you’d like to create your own, now you know how!

Click here for this 2014 Olympics Pictogram Memory Game!

2014 Olympics Pictogram Memory Game - Learn Like A Mom! http://learnlikeamom.com/around-the-house/family-time/2014-olympics-memory-game/ #olympics #kids #ece


What are you looking forward to in the 2014 Olympics?