The Switch Witch

The Switch Witch

What is The Switch Witch? Are you seeing it and baffled why parents are sharing a witch with their kids? Wondering what it has to do with Halloween candy? Well, let’s take a look! This post contains affiliate links. What is The Switch Witch? Well, it’s not the same as Elf on the Shelf. Your
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The Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle

By a show of hands, who feels overwhelmed when they think of healthy living? Consider my hand raised! We get it! We know why being healthy matters. We hear eating whole foods is better, raising healthier kids is a must, avoiding toxins and chemicals sounds great, getting fit always seems to be at the top of the
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Stay Organized While Moving

Stay Organized While Moving

Moving can either be out of necessity or an act of desire. Whatever the case, moving rarely comes at a convenient time and involves so many variables that it is difficult to exhale until all of the documents are signed. Even then, that point in the process instantaneously starts a whole new chapter in the
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Hurricane Emergency Kit

Hurricane Emergency Kit

Being prepared for the unknown is something most people know we should do, but the majority of us don’t take time to actually do it! We have lived in a state prone to hurricanes for eight years and didn’t really have anything ready in case of a natural disaster. Recently, we moved closer to the coast
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Online Mother’s Day Shopping Mall

Online Mother’s Day Shopping Mall

Make shopping for this Mother’s Day as easy as can be, from the comfort of your own home! Some of you may know that I am an Independent Jamberry Consultant. I have teamed up with consultants representing ViVI Jewelry, Thirty-One Gifts, and Young Living Essential Oils to create an online shopping experience where you can
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Interview Real Estate Agents

Interview Real Estate Agents

Today, I want to share why I think you should interview real estate agents before hiring one. Why You Should Interview Real Estate Agents Truth be told, I have only purchased one house and I’m in the process of selling it. My husband and I thought long and hard about whether we would try to sell
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My Dream Kitchen

My Dream Kitchen

Have you ever sat around and thought about how you’d create your dream kitchen if you had the chance? Well, we are on the verge of a move (whenever the house sells, we’ll move), and I keep thinking that I need to sit down and write a list of our “would likes” and our “must
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Declutter Your Home

Declutter Your Home

I have been preparing our house for the market and in doing so, I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff! I am definitely the hoarder in our house. My husband could live out of two bags, use about five kitchen items each year, and doesn’t gather anything for future use or hang on
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